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Title: 3156, Laboratory Practice
Institution: The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, New Zealand


Certificate, continuing education.

In 1988, New Zealand Qualifications Authority replaced the existing Laboratory Technology course with Laboratory Practice. This presented an opportunity for an entirely new course to be written during 1988-89. There is now a strong emphasis on laboratory safety, laboratory mathematics, and the principles and practice of laboratory instrumentation.

Assessment is by test papers 1 to 10 (20%), laboratory course (20%) and examination (60%).

Prerequisite(s): Students are expected to be competent in mathematics and physics to about sixth form level. A knowledge of chemistry is also helpful.

Programmes for which this course is required or in which it can be included:
New Zealand Certificate in Science (Biology)
New Zealand Certificate in Science (Chemistry)
New Zealand Certificate in Science (Food Science)
New Zealand Certificate in Science (Geology)
New Zealand Certificate in Science (Water Technology).



Media and methods employed: Printed text, tutorial support.
Students must attend a laboratory course at the Central Institute of Technology (CIT), Heretaunga.

Administrative information:
This course requires 3-4 hours of study each week for 30 weeks.



Date: 9 February 1998 da

© 1999 International Centre for Distance Learning, The Open University

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